Ancient DNA from the Wielbark culture - K36 results


merged fastq files -> bwa-aln -> mpileup -> pileupCaller -> DIYDodecad

Archaeological siteIDSample no.Sample no. that passed selectionDating
KowalewkoKO5848 (11 deep seq.)
100–300 AD
MasłomęczMZ2724200–400 AD

Ancient DNA from the Wielbark culture (Kowalewko, deep seq., selected samples) - Eurogenes K36 similarity map

Ancient DNA from the Wielbark culture (Kowalewko, shallow seq., all samples) - Eurogenes K36 similarity map

Ancient DNA from the Wielbark culture (Masłomęcz, shallow seq., all samples) - Eurogenes K36 similarity map



ambron said…
Wygląda na to, że w Masłomęczu jest znacznie więcej domieszki słowiańskiej (dryfu bałtosłowiańskiego) niż w Kowalewku. Ciekawie byłoby zobaczyć na PCA poszczególne próbki, tak jak już to widzieliśmy w przypadku Kowalewka. W Kowalewku kobieta Kow29 była zasadniczo Słowianką. W Masłomęczu niektóre genomy są pewnie jeszcze bardziej słowiańskie.
ambron said…
It is worth looking at the ph2ter's PCA in this context:

Kow8, 10 and 6 are essentially Slavic.
Arza said…
@ ambron

You need to be more careful with such statements. Usually PCAs have more than 2 dimensions.

I wouldn't dare to say that they're essentially Slavic. But at the same time I'm not convinced about their "Scandinavianess". In WE PCA they tend to be closest to CWC N47 and N49. We need to wait for better sequences to sort this out.
ambron said…
Arza, as we know, N47 and N49 have a lot of Balto-Slavic drift, and the N47 in K36 is most similar to today's Kashubians (82%). So we can see the genetic continuity of Kuyavia, about which Lorkiewicz spoke.