Istory: I-Y3104 - I-L621 - I-CTS4002

"The genetic history of the Southern Arc" publication sheds some light on the origin of the I subhaplogroup, which is characteristic of modern day Slavs, especially those from the Balkans.

There were many theories about its ultimate source, including some ridiculous ones. However, in the end, the real one will turn out to be the one with Balkan origins. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

Thanks to the new samples, we can observe from the Chalcolithic how this subhaplogroup has evolved.

In the data sheet we can find this:
I7137  ROU_Bodrogkeresztur_ChL I-Y3104   I2a1a2    4157-3966 calBCE (5215±25 BP, PSUAMS-4230)
I19454 BGR_TellKran_EBA        I-L621    I2a1a2b   3000-2000 BCE
I10479 ROU_Arman_BA            I-CTS4002 I2a1a2b1a 2150-1850 BCE

Interestingly, if we carefully inspect the SNPs ourselves, we find that I7137 ROU_Bodrogkeresztur_ChL is already derived for several SNPs on the I-L621 level.


 See also: Second I-CTS10228 from the Bezdanjača Cave, Croatia


ambron said…
This Croatian sample can be added to that:
ambron said…
Oh, I forgot that you are talking about this Croatian sample in another entry.